Man in the Mirror - This is it

I've been meaning to launch my new blog extension for a long time now.

And i finally chose today to officiate the start of "BeN'Zures" aka BeN'Z adventures. This addition would basically mean you'll see more day to day uploads of BeN'Z on youtube very much said a vLog (video log).

I've got heaps lined up and just as the title says, here's myself "gasping" the chorus of Michael Jackson's hits that was in stored for This is It tour - Man in the Mirror!



Therefore, as the songs says the change has to start with me, BeN'Zures brings that out of me!

2 Comment Here!:

Thx dude. Been a while since i heard from ya. Hope all's good with ya!

you know, somehow, you've got me addicted to this song for the whole Saturday. the chorus was replaying in my mind whenever i'm alone in the elevator. =.= very well sang though. =)

does your hospital stay have anything to do with your footwear last week? hehe..

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