Laughing a lifetime!

I was surfing facebook, and I found this on one of my buddy's profile.

And you know what? I totally agree with it! If only I thought of that as one of my BeN'Z word's. haha. I stopped to think about it and realized it's no wonder I always laugh.

People always say that I'm cheerful and happy with no stress or worries. At times when I look the slightest worried; concentrated or just feel like keeping quiet, people think I'm not feeling well or something happened.

I believe, like everyone else in the world, we all have our own share of difficulties and problems that come head on at times. It sure don't feel good many-a time. But, just remember, it means that you're still alive and living in reality. Also, it gives you the chance to create opportunities to "DE-STRESS" and "ENJOY" yourself!

Hence, don't get so involved with emotions related to things that happen, yet like the phrase I found on my friend's profile


"He who laughs at himself never runs out of things"
to laugh about.


In essence, you'll forever be happy and joyful!

2 Comment Here!:

always stay positive and try to smile or laugh even in a difficult situation and always make fun and laugh at ownself..that's very true..i always do that crappy stuff..hahaha

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