Hitz.FM Sarawak The Martian!

Nope, I don't work at hitz.fm in case you're wondering. And I'm not sponsored by them - though I wouldn't mind :P

I was talking to a bunch of friends awhile back. It's normal to compare with other people. Somewhat making them or yourself a yard-stick. No doubt I am very blessed in so many ways, I think it's only normal to say -

The problem is that most of the time, GOOD is NOT FREE. 

SO... I was telling them how this one friend of ours seemingly wins contests time and time again. It made me feel " ... ". Reason being the prizes he wins are in the hundreds to thousands! And among one of the prizes was a GoPro. If you don't already know, I'm a youtuber and I spend lots on stuff like this. Not that I need'em to make my videos. But I am quite a geek about these things.

Well, the wait is over! I actually won a radio competition. I somehow managed to be the first caller through to win movie passes to the screening of "The Martian" featuring Matt Damon.

My conversation on radio:
DJ (guy) - What do you think of Matt Damon?
Me - Well, I think he's a good actor.
DJ (guy) - Oh he's just a good actor not a good looking man?
Me - Um well, you know.. that'd be awkward if i said that (in my mind - i'm a dude, he's a dude, the fella asking me questions is a dude - this some gay shizz goin on)
DJ (girl) - Basically today is your last day on earth. Jeng Jeng Jeng. What would you do?
Me - Well, I'd probably spend time with my family - cuz you know, i prolly won't see them for a long time.
DJ (guy) - What an honourable answer. And for that we're gonna hook you up with movie passes to the screening of The Martian.

And essentially the conversation ended.
How do i get my tickets ah? When and where do I show up for the movie?

Hopefully they call me back or message me. Haha. Quite good ratings this show.

If I can win, anybody including YOU CAN WIN TOO!
Have a swell week! Just don't get stung by a bee!

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