Who on Earth blogs nowadays?!

They say a picture paints a thousand words. Well, that picture says a few words and well.. That's all it needed to say.

My intentions of blogging that started way back in high school more than a decade ago weren't like other kids. Most were to rant about crappy student life, diss the so call "cool kids" without them knowing, and no money to buy paper and a diary so save by typing online (after all nobody reads the nerd's blog).

I began writing (or should I say typing) to better my command of english, essay writing and as a means to channel my thoughts. I also started as back then it was the in thing to own a blog. After awhile the craze continued but I got bored and stopped; restarted in university with ads! Yes, make some money while sharing nonsense that readers like you get conned to read! (jokes)

click here to see my very first blogpost

But the question really is:

Who on earth blogs nowadays?!

Social media has grown so rapidly since a decade ago and in all honesty,
I feel blogs are ... dead. Think about it - there's facebook, instagram, twitter, snapchat, youtube. They're so much more exciting than reading 1000's of words that most of us just scroll past, seeing only the pictures in-between.

You know I'm right! You just stopped to see this line right after all the pictures in-between. Go read the previous paragraph you bum!

Moving on, let's not confuse ourselves with sites like thehuffingtonpost where we read articles so commonly via shares on facebook. Those are professional sites, not blogs. Let's remind ourselves what blogs are via wikipedia:

In a gist, I believe a blog which for some remote reason stands for WEBlog - should be thought of as a Wlog. This is in reference to Vlog, that stands for video log, a Wlog stands for written log. Now don't mindscrew us all by saying, "but Benedict, since you type instead of write why not say Tlog as in typing log". Ain't nobody gonna accept new terminology now. Blog is blog. The end.

In conclusion, you're probably mind-baffled as to why I'm talking about all this. It's simple. I have all the other social media platforms and since someone asked why did I blog again after the prolonged hiatus - my answer is:

 I can't be recording myself daily as nobody would like to watch me on a daily basis. Also, writing brings out the more subtle side of me, making me less of a weirdo and lunatic given I'm a doctor.

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