Born A Racist - Malaysia

Judging by the title, you know what i'm going to write about.

It's simple. Humans are Homosapians. However due to differences in our genetic structure, we appear differently. This is what gives us our individual uniqueness. Although, on this very planet - we classify ourselves also according to our origins that give us a relatively similar appearance.

in a word

Since years before even your great grandfather was born, people were racist. Everyone knows about slavery with the "blacks" and the apartheid. In such an advanced stage of human evolution with technology and somewhat borderless travel, it's interesting how Racial intolerance is still rampant.

Malaysia is one of the only country boasting a multiracial society. Not saying that other countries do not have different races, but here in Malaysia it's very apparent. The "whites and the blacks" are generally the minority. The great thing about the multiracial society is the ability to adapt and embrace other cultures.

That said, as reported on a near daily basis - racism is still the tool of division by many. I would say that their "pemikiran kolot". I personally am from a mixed racial marriage with diverse cultures and hence I strongly stand against racism. Take a look at this video that I stumbled upon:

Born A Racist

At the end of it, I stand to my statement - we need to learn from the children and not from the elder generation or even mine. Teach the young and innocent to grow rightly and the future of Malaysia/ mankind will advance further.

Imagine if one day aliens came to earth and wanted peace? Think of Star Trek and its multiracial/ cultural/ planet/ religious acceptance.

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