Groove to the music!

Here's another one of those posts related to
good; great; AWESOME music listening!

Let me have the pleasure of introducing to you if you haven't met,

with their tag line which says it all

~you better listen!~

A little bout' this radio station - Jazz, Funk, Electronic.
Basically, you'd never stop bunking your head or snapping your fingers, or more frequently tap your feet on the ground!

Similar to before, here are those few easy steps to listen to this pulsatile music:

1. Open your iTunes

2. Click on the radio tab

3. Scroll down to the Jazz genre

4. Scroll down to letter 'G' and you'd find GrooveFM

Well then, I hope you take that few minutes to check out and try out this BeN'Z recommendation as you'd enjoy hours to days and maybe months + years of mood changing music =)

For more details in obtaining iTunes and this radio station, check the previous posts link.

For previous posts on other radio stations, click here.
For GrooveFM's official website, click here.
(although it's in some other language than english)

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