Foreign exchange

I stumbled upon one of those google ads once again and found this.

Why am I putting it up?
  1. because knowing about how the world works is never bad
  2. because I have some interest in Foreign Exchange
  3. because I believe that what Nitty Gritty says below is absolutely correct
  4. because YOU should know what goes on in the world apart from your own
  5. because I have nothing better to do
So, below holds 6 truths that may strike a person who plays with Forex.

~In the beginning~

BeN'Z: This is true because as mentioned, if the bots always and really work, everyone would do it. Think logically people.

BeN'Z: Let's get back to reality. in life you win some and lose some. If you have a RAINBOW idea which has a pot of Gold only and no obstacles at the back of your head, smack yourself cause the world is unpredictable. Especially when it comes to humans and money.

BeN'Z: No matter how fast you are, you still have to use your brain and think rationally instead of having a conditional reflex like how animals are trained. Don't be a traffic light!

BeN'Z: That is the hard truth in it all actually. Like what is mentioned, the broker is in it to earn money as well. Yes, he or she may try to earn money for you as it would increase their commission. But, overall, win or lose for you is a at least a minimal win for the broker. Therefore, D.I.Y (Do it Yourself).

BeN'Z: I find this somewhat true. I can't tell you it's a fact, as some people do sit in front of the computer all day and make big bucks. But, I suppose this applies more for the general population. It's like answering an MCQ where you have A, B, C, D, E. The longer you look at it, it all seems good and you may choose the wrong one.

BeN'Z: I'm very certain that today, many if not everyone would agree with this. With the economic downfall that occurred over the past year +, just trust your instincts as it may be the right bet.

~The End~

Forex Nitty Gritty website, click here.

I'll always remember what I read off a website a long time ago:
You should only do Forex if you have extra/excess money that you do not mind losing.

You have been educated =)

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