They say curiosity killed the cat. I say curiosity saved the other cats.

From the time you and I were born, we NEVER stopped learning. If there was a day where you can definitely 100% say you didn't learn anything - you have got to share with me what did you do on that day. FYI, sleeping or being comatosed or dead - technically you're learning within your dream despite the motorless physical state.

Learning need not be a degree or even attending a class. Learning is when you learn something new no matter how minuscule it seems. Example, you walk pass an busy street in New York - you subconsciously learn about people behaviour or even from an advertisement on the billboard. What about in the dessert? You learn about how the wind and weather changes throughout the day.

In my profession, we can never stop learning. The day we stop, is the day we give a subpar treatment to our patients. The world changes daily. And although the steps in managing a simple cough and cold may seem the same, as technology and biomedicine progresses - vaccinations come about and possibly one day an instant relief tablet.

Having said that, I am quite tired of it. Since young the aim was always to achieve straight A's in exams. 80% although an A, was still not good enough. Yes, I am ASIAN level. Going through medical school despite my personal belief it was considered a "holiday course" to me back then, I still studied taking exams one after another.

Years later and although my instagram and youtube may seem all the happs (happening), I still have to make time and study after working or even during. The road to become a specialist is long. For those who know me, I'm the slacker or the class. Not that I choose to be. Somehow I find that there are so many things to learn and see or do other than reading a book or doing questions after questions.

I may have ADHD (attention deficit hyperactive disorder) without me realizing. But I just cannot sit still when it comes to studying. It's such a bore listening to people telling me to study or etc. It's cool to know more about whatever I am doing. But the fact I have to sit another million exams to get there... I'm certain some of you understand my exact feelings very well.

In the end I ask myself - is it because I don't find what I'm doing interesting? Or am i just pure lazy. I guess it's a mixture of both. But do wish me luck for the hurdles I face in life. Hopefully one day I will look back at this post and say I made it through all those useless exams and achieved the ambition I desire.

Remember, knowledge is power. Knowledge is a right and a privilege. Let's make the best of it and


Man, that title - like the picture above just sends jitters down people's spines.

I don't know why but whenever I start a video or post, I tend to always reiterate the fact that I am a doctor. e.g.

"As you all know, I am a doctor"

I must apologize as I tend to have short-term memory unlike my readers/ people who watch my videos. #IMHO (In my honest opinion) there must be a God because me becoming a doctor with the little effort I put in compared to my colleagues - is a miracle. Them people are hardcore nerds man. I guess that's why I write and make videos - a hobby/ place to runaway from the "responsibility" bestowed upon me with the title DOCTOR.

Anyway, a week back I released a video with the title
Before jumping to conclusions that I am a malignant power-house medical officer who humiliates and condemn my junior doctors - houseofficers, Please do watch the video.

Surprised to say that video of mine went semi-viral amongst the doctor-circle in Malaysia (8000 plus views as i type). It is my most popular video since years back when I made violin videos or other videos that I removed from youtube in light of my professional outlook. Essentially, my video drew mixed feelings.

I spoke about what I see happening - somewhat like a daily routine: Senior doctors belittling the junior ones. If you didn't know, a medical student is proud and happy despite the "stress" up until they begin working from the bottom up. Most medical schools prepare the young padawan with knowledge to overcome illnesses. However, this knowledge sometimes only ends up lost in translation to clinical application.

If you've lost me there (geddit lost in translation? *crashcymbal), I'm talking about the stride from being a student and leaping to the heavy shoulders of a doctor. Although they're taught how to problem solve in medicinal sense - dealing with a patient for real is a whole different ballgame. The vast array of disease and atypical variants are astonishing to say the least. With that in mind, the junior doctor is not given a moment of failure.

At least in Malaysia, from the day you report to work -

I won't get into the details of it, but basically the learning curve is near 90 degrees steep and the student must be able to cope with physical and emotional stress daily. The issue is, like any other profession there comes a time when he or she experiences the BAD BOSS.

As I said, it's all about expectations. The houseman (or any other junior doctor) must endure brutal remarks or sometimes even physical abuse for mistakes as minute as a word written wrongly on the patient notes. You may think I'm exaggerating, but I assure you I am not. This kind of attitude from the senior doctors is what I was trying to address.

If we don't teach the younger generation what is wrong from right, they will grow up and be 'wrong' like their predecessors

I must clarify that I did not mention by any means that it is wrong for the superior to "teach" the junior, but instead of socially humiliating the person in front of patients and the surrounding on-lookers - to approach mistakes or inadequacies in a more appropriate manner. I won't continue further but let the video speak for itself.


Finally, for the ones who thumbbed up my vids as I was standing up for the so called "victimised", as I said at the end of the video - people will not ill treat you by any standards unless you are not up to the minimum expectation. So like I always do for myself, I urge everyone to evaluate themselves regularly to better ourselves and to improve patient safety.

Sleepless Night

This is me for the past few hours.

Working as a doctor I'm rather used to not sleeping for up to two days in a stretch. As such whenever I have the luxury of sleeping early or in on a Saturday morning, I utilize what was once taken for granted.

Next week I'll be starting my 1st week long "on-call" in Dermatology. Yes, the entire week I am subject to calls from the entire Sarawak for dermatology advice. Exciting! Although my "jonah-ness" scares me, I look forward to a pleasant week of learning and helping others.

But for now... Tonight i shall be awake for no reason at all. Just because my mind chooses to not sleep. Definitely going to be feeling it by noon.

Have a great and rested night/day people!
Be thankful to God for you are able to wake up to a new day!

Top 20 EASY dance MOVES

Yes, you read it right!

If you're anything like me, you love to watch X-factor, Fear Factor, American Idol, So You Think You can Dance and many other "reality TV shows".

Today we touch the topic of Dance. While most of us are born with two left feet and probably the gracefulness of elephants and rhinoceros-es; there are the lucky or some say talented few who make the art of dancing look effortless

There are many dancing styles from ballroom to hip-hop and even ballet or latin. All offering some form of eyegasms we normal people can experience. But, if you know me one bit, you would know that I almost never say no to a challenge.

In my limited dancing career that started from young to beats of Michael Jackson and the more recent K-Pop, I have won several awards. Don't make me start naming them. The list would be too short to show my prestige. HAHA.

So here it is, my latest video I uploaded on youtube. A simple video to make you become a pro in two and a half minutes! ENJOY! Don't forget to like, share and subscribe!

Top 20 EASY dance MOVES

Yes, you may break out in hysterical laughter now. I seek to amuse and abuse your thoughts.

Born A Racist - Malaysia

Judging by the title, you know what i'm going to write about.

It's simple. Humans are Homosapians. However due to differences in our genetic structure, we appear differently. This is what gives us our individual uniqueness. Although, on this very planet - we classify ourselves also according to our origins that give us a relatively similar appearance.

in a word

Since years before even your great grandfather was born, people were racist. Everyone knows about slavery with the "blacks" and the apartheid. In such an advanced stage of human evolution with technology and somewhat borderless travel, it's interesting how Racial intolerance is still rampant.

Malaysia is one of the only country boasting a multiracial society. Not saying that other countries do not have different races, but here in Malaysia it's very apparent. The "whites and the blacks" are generally the minority. The great thing about the multiracial society is the ability to adapt and embrace other cultures.

That said, as reported on a near daily basis - racism is still the tool of division by many. I would say that their "pemikiran kolot". I personally am from a mixed racial marriage with diverse cultures and hence I strongly stand against racism. Take a look at this video that I stumbled upon:

Born A Racist

At the end of it, I stand to my statement - we need to learn from the children and not from the elder generation or even mine. Teach the young and innocent to grow rightly and the future of Malaysia/ mankind will advance further.

Imagine if one day aliens came to earth and wanted peace? Think of Star Trek and its multiracial/ cultural/ planet/ religious acceptance.

Hitz.FM Sarawak The Martian!

Nope, I don't work at in case you're wondering. And I'm not sponsored by them - though I wouldn't mind :P

I was talking to a bunch of friends awhile back. It's normal to compare with other people. Somewhat making them or yourself a yard-stick. No doubt I am very blessed in so many ways, I think it's only normal to say -

The problem is that most of the time, GOOD is NOT FREE. 

SO... I was telling them how this one friend of ours seemingly wins contests time and time again. It made me feel " ... ". Reason being the prizes he wins are in the hundreds to thousands! And among one of the prizes was a GoPro. If you don't already know, I'm a youtuber and I spend lots on stuff like this. Not that I need'em to make my videos. But I am quite a geek about these things.

Well, the wait is over! I actually won a radio competition. I somehow managed to be the first caller through to win movie passes to the screening of "The Martian" featuring Matt Damon.

My conversation on radio:
DJ (guy) - What do you think of Matt Damon?
Me - Well, I think he's a good actor.
DJ (guy) - Oh he's just a good actor not a good looking man?
Me - Um well, you know.. that'd be awkward if i said that (in my mind - i'm a dude, he's a dude, the fella asking me questions is a dude - this some gay shizz goin on)
DJ (girl) - Basically today is your last day on earth. Jeng Jeng Jeng. What would you do?
Me - Well, I'd probably spend time with my family - cuz you know, i prolly won't see them for a long time.
DJ (guy) - What an honourable answer. And for that we're gonna hook you up with movie passes to the screening of The Martian.

And essentially the conversation ended.
How do i get my tickets ah? When and where do I show up for the movie?

Hopefully they call me back or message me. Haha. Quite good ratings this show.

If I can win, anybody including YOU CAN WIN TOO!
Have a swell week! Just don't get stung by a bee!

B***h I'mma Trip and Kick YOU!

Yes fellow readers, I meant every word right there in the title!

Unless you live in a cocoon, another galaxy or you're an "uninformed oblivious ignorant" person; you would know the REFUGEE situation happening. Basically, there's a Syrian refugee crisis where people are fleeing the country across borders out of desperation due to the current ongoing civil war.

Many countries have started accepting thousands of refugees and efforts are being made to accommodate more. It's really tragic to see the lives of innocent people ruined due to war. Imagine the children who knows nothing about what's happening. They end up being orphaned or even killed.

This person in the video below made me even more upset. I mean, WOMAN YOU'RE A JOURNALIST/ CAMERA WOMAN!!! In my opinion, people working in the news should be unbiased and have neutral grounds when working. When you're done with work, it's up to you. Well, i'll leave it to you guyz to decide.


Journalist Caught On Camera Kicking Refugees
This woman was caught on camera kicking and tripping refugees
Posted by NowThis on Tuesday, September 8, 2015

By the way, the lady was apparently removed from duty (aka fired) by the newscasting station. Let's all be people of empathy and sympathy for other human beings okay?

Who on Earth blogs nowadays?!

They say a picture paints a thousand words. Well, that picture says a few words and well.. That's all it needed to say.

My intentions of blogging that started way back in high school more than a decade ago weren't like other kids. Most were to rant about crappy student life, diss the so call "cool kids" without them knowing, and no money to buy paper and a diary so save by typing online (after all nobody reads the nerd's blog).

I began writing (or should I say typing) to better my command of english, essay writing and as a means to channel my thoughts. I also started as back then it was the in thing to own a blog. After awhile the craze continued but I got bored and stopped; restarted in university with ads! Yes, make some money while sharing nonsense that readers like you get conned to read! (jokes)

click here to see my very first blogpost

But the question really is:

Who on earth blogs nowadays?!

Social media has grown so rapidly since a decade ago and in all honesty,
I feel blogs are ... dead. Think about it - there's facebook, instagram, twitter, snapchat, youtube. They're so much more exciting than reading 1000's of words that most of us just scroll past, seeing only the pictures in-between.

You know I'm right! You just stopped to see this line right after all the pictures in-between. Go read the previous paragraph you bum!

Moving on, let's not confuse ourselves with sites like thehuffingtonpost where we read articles so commonly via shares on facebook. Those are professional sites, not blogs. Let's remind ourselves what blogs are via wikipedia:

In a gist, I believe a blog which for some remote reason stands for WEBlog - should be thought of as a Wlog. This is in reference to Vlog, that stands for video log, a Wlog stands for written log. Now don't mindscrew us all by saying, "but Benedict, since you type instead of write why not say Tlog as in typing log". Ain't nobody gonna accept new terminology now. Blog is blog. The end.

In conclusion, you're probably mind-baffled as to why I'm talking about all this. It's simple. I have all the other social media platforms and since someone asked why did I blog again after the prolonged hiatus - my answer is:

 I can't be recording myself daily as nobody would like to watch me on a daily basis. Also, writing brings out the more subtle side of me, making me less of a weirdo and lunatic given I'm a doctor.

A Malaysian Government Doctors Rant

As a child I was pre-groomed to be a doctor. Those who know me would probably say - we know! However, I don't say this merely due to my Punjabi side of my mixed heritage.

Remember when you were in school and they make you write those essays "My ambition" ? Well, I wanted to be a scientist/ surgeon. Probably due to my constant analytical and scientific inquisition.
Knowledge was powerful, and I as many - wanted to be powerful.

As I grew older, my mind was open to new and more intriguing career paths. By the age of 14-years-old I wanted to be a professional pool player! And I believed it was achievable! Youngest world champion was only 15. I would've been younger :P Ah, the big dreams.

It didn't stop there and never stopped since. I went through a lengthy process of trying to be a musician, engineer, and race car/ f1 driver. But, my asian heritage eventually pushed me to the line of medicine believing that the rest are merely hobbies than career options. With much debate and heaps of miracles - I am as you already know, a Doctor.

Many would argue that I should chase my dreams and do what I love in life. Suffice to say, God has a greater plan for every one of us. And looking back, I am glad I chose to follow God's plan. I am who I am today and have everything I have because I chose to follow.

Do not misinterpret me. I do have my complaints and dissatisfactions being a doctor. I wanted to quit being a doctor many times for many reasons:
the lengthy hours, no day off, no proper meals
inappropriate wage, donkey work, lousy colleagues
poor patient care, and the list goes on. 
In a gist, I felt that I deserve(d) more for the effort and heart I put into my work and to the patient's I care for.

Yes yes. I know what's on your mind and many especially Malaysians.
"You should know that being a doctor is a sacrifice; if you're in it for the money you should do something else"

Those are the common lines used. But let me say this very LOUDLY:

I say this because we as doctors in Malaysia have already come to a point where there's no return.

We (doctors who work in the government) have the
jealousy, discontent, abundant complaints, can I punch out yet.

We constantly draw self pity amongst friends who are working other jobs and are doing much better than us. Always saying "Not as rich as you", "Don't have so much free time as you", "On-call".

We stereotype doctors in the private sector as sell-outs/ money hungry people. Yet, We complain about being over-worked and underpaid on a weekly if not daily basis. I know countless doctors who work second jobs: e.g insurance, MLM's, online businesses, and etc.

We become workers than doctors. Rather than taking that extra half hour or even 15 minutes to explain to a patient the need for a lifestyle change for his/her illness- many scold the patients and condemn them for their actions that brought them to the hospital. Imagine if you were the ill patient. I guarantee that you probably think twice about going to see a doctor the next time you're ill. You'd probably go to the "bomoh" or "sin seh". And doctors probably say, why didn't he/she come see us rather than seek alternative medicine. Geez I wonder why???!

We become critics and Gods. Many Senior doctors instil fear into houseman (junior doctors)/ medical-officers (junior compared to specialists and consultants) and as such create an unwanted working environment that essentially says -
do not disturb me, if you do i will scold you ; 
you must know how to be a doctor, but i'm not going to teach you how.

And if something goes wrong?? You can imagine the ferocity and beating the young doctor goes through. Common sense, a person can never learn if he or she is never taught to begin with.

The years of diligent study and joy we brought to our families when we received the title MBBS or MD on our graduation day, to some young doctors seem pointless and a wasted effort. The potentials of individuals who could have been an outstanding physician/surgeon/ etc -
ruined by the so-called "more experienced doctors".

Many of us who practice would probably agree that we would not want our children to become doctors due to any number of reasons I mentioned above.

I leave you with this to ponder upon:

  1. What do you think is the problem with our system compared to other countries?
  2. Is it the hierarchy that everyone hates yet when in power uses blatantly?
  3. Is it the patient to doctor ratio?
  4. Or does it boil down to doctors in the government service being "under-paid"?

Btw, I have a youtube channel too! click here
Need extra income too ya know :P LOL

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