1st Yamaha DTX drums competition!!!

It's an electronic drums competition; first of its kind to Malaysia - hosted by Yamaha.

And guess what?! I'm entering!!! :))

So this is the video i'm sending in to enter the first round!

Pray i get it! ~ pls and tq!

1st Yamaha DTX drums competition - initial submission - BeN'Z

Do tell your family & friends! :D

Link to Youtube and read the info!
For more info, visit Yamaha.

nice patient nice patient nice patient!

Drum drum drummmmm!!!

2:51am I'm just sbout to sleep thinking how i'm gonna wake up for church later, but i have to! Anyway, blog posts have been such a bore lately, you can tell. Reason being caught up with work and time just passes so fast.

My internal med posting exam is this coming Thurs at 7:45 am. Haven't had much brain food for awhile... Gotta do well nonetheless. Pray for me yeah :)

Anyway, from the title (read title), i actually made a short video for youtube two days back. Mostly on stick tricks and drumline snare. Hadn't had the time to edit n post it, but it'll be up one of these days.

Oooo... And btw, i've got something interesting to tell you. Will be joining ... ..

Come back again to find out!
Agod bless ya! ;)

A day i'll remember always!

That girl - love her more than life!

As the title says, need i mention more?

A David Choi original but cover by yours truly BeN'Z!

BeN'Z was bored sitting around
on a "Thursday" night
and this came up!

That Girl - David Choi - cover by BeN'Z

This is an episode of BeN'Zures

Pure genius!

Technology just keeps getting better and better! and Trust one of the indians to deliver such an experience ;)

I was left wondering... what's next! any ideas?

Greatttt musicccc :)

The most recent hit single that makes all the girls hearts warm:

a well done rendition to

"Just the way you are" - Bruno Mars - By Jayeslee

And if this isn't your taste, then let's go old school and legendary!
Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen! but instead -

"Bohemian Slide" - MysteryGuitarMan

Hope you enjoyed :)
So sing a lovely song to your lovely friend :P

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