No it's not LMAO (laugh my ass off).
It's DYAO - Dance your ass off!

What's that about? Why not u check it for yourself? Watch the vid below.

Basically, it's another one of those 'Reality shows' that makes money off others. For example, the famous "The Biggest Loser". This DYAO like the other reality show, is designed for above average weight people in nice terms.

To me, I believe it'll be an interesting show that many people would like to watch. e.g.
1. Contestants family members / friends & contacts
2. The reality show people involved
3. Fat people - checking how to lose weight
4. Thin people - to make fun of those bigger than them
5. Dancers - learn new dance techniques (if relevant)
6. People looking for laughs.
7. People with nothing better to do.
8. God knows the rest.

I personally think, in a way it's making fun out of the contestants to an extent. However, it's a great show as these contestants would work their butt off to get the prize money of $100,000.
And this is sort of a buy 1 free 1 package.

You aim to get the money, you lose weight, you get the money, and you add many more years of living with decreased susceptibility to problems like a cardiac arrest (MI).

A few more vids to keep you company

ABOVE: Yeah.. that's right.. lets have a little twosome and 'BUMPs'.

ABOVE: that's the way man.. vibrate it...

ABOVE: she's like a little virtual girl who's ready to get it on! ;P

So share your thoughts with me. What do you think of this show, or reality shows like this in general. Comment below.

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