The Final Countdown!

11:24pm It's just another day away till my final 2 exams. Monday and Tuesday will be my long and short practical exams - OSCE for those who know it.

Prepared? nope, not even close. Then again, doctors always tell me you'll never be done with studying.

All I'm doing now is as much as i can, the rest i leave it in God's hands. He was good to me during my last 2 papers, so i'm hoping for the same in the coming ones! Hallelujah!

Do say a lil' prayer for me yeah.

Can't afford to resit - 8 months, and $40,000...
No No NO!

i'll know my results by the coming wednesday. Pass, and you'll see much more happening here and brand new Youtube stuffs! - can't wait!

and as said in the above title and picture, here's a special version!

The Final Countdown ~ Chipmunk Style

In the midst of this

7:11pm As said in the pic above, "Nobody knows what you do, but Heaven knows your intent". I like this very much. Got it off a chinese drama and it is so true :)

I'm having my finals for this semester/ this year the coming Monday, Wednesday and the following week. If i told you about my studies, you wouldn't believe it. But let's keep it simple, I'm nowhere near the finish line for studying. haha.

It will be an interesting exam ;)

Pray for me!!! & have a great weekend!

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