Where's your conscience??!

Just reported in the newspaper yesterday was the article above.

If you can't really read it as you are looking at it now, i urge you to click on it to enlarge and digest what happened.

The gist of it just says,

woman got mugged by snatch-thief on motorcycle --> fell down --> sustained multiple head injuries --> intracranial bleed and fractured skull --> lying on the ground --> 7 passer-bys' did not do anything about it and essentially said "meh" to that --> hours later discovered by others and sent to the hospital --> too late --> post-mortem --> cremated yesterday at 2pm with very upset family...


So as my title says people, where did all the humanitarianism and little bit of common sense as well as conscience disappeared to?

Far out seriously. My condolences to the loved ones and may the Father receive her in heaven.

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Wanting to say yes, but no.

Have you ever been in a position whereby you want to say yes but end up saying no? Or maybe saying no but wishing or meaning to say yes?
I think this is a common situation we find ourselves in especially when it comes to relationships and business. In a sense, when you're in a relationship you mean business than play play! Haha
A simple example is:

Boy - what do you want for valentines?
Girl - anything, up to you :)
Boy - do you want a bouquet of flowers or a diamond bracelet?
Girl - haha. No need lahh
Boy - no really, what would you like?
Girl - anything, up to you :)
~valentines day~

Boy - here's a bouquet of roses (brings her out for dinner)
Girl - so why didn't you buy for me a bracelet?
Boy - you said you don't want?
Girl - no, i said up to you!
Boy - yeah, so i bought you the flowers :)
Girl - ... You're so stupid.
We all know deep down she wanted both of it. Saying no but meaning yes.
Well, for me today i was faced with saying no although i felt bad. I wanted to say yes but because of several reasons i had to decline. Not that i'm just an ass, but well.. Sometimes i guess i must prioritize myself than others always.
If you're facing such situations, why not share your experience :)

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Like a Mangkuk!

This is one of my wise quotes! Haha. Think about it. Ponder and embrace the connotations :)

I have a feeling this week will be a memorable and interesting one. Hope yours will be too!

Until then, the finals of EURO 2012 is coming up in an roughly two hours. Spain versus Italy! Who's your pick?

My gut says Spain will take it home, but my for the sake of excitement i am hoping for Italy to win simply because they are the underdogs! We'll see what surprises may unfold! Penalties!!!

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