Why YOU should be a Superstar Just like ME!

Alrighhttsss!!!! And here it is! After ageess of not having a video up on YouTube, here's my brand new one!

This video was a random idea which started off at around 12 am in the morning till 4. The interesting part about it is, I didn't actually plan it & neither did i do retakes! hehe.

While watching it you may see scenes that have appeared in earlier videos. But no worries there, NEW and more "pleasurable" ones are within. Together with some personal time of my own :P

Lastly, I assure you it's nothing less than entertaining :)

Why YOU should be a Superstar Just like ME! - feat BeN'Z

For more info, check out the "more info" on the youtube page.
Do rate, comment and SUBSCRIBE!!! 5stars pls&tq

For BeN'Z YouTube page, click here.

BeN'Z is back!

12:12pm As I was saying the other day, COMING SOON!

Now look no further because...

IT"S TRUEEE!!! BeN'Z has a brand new videoo!!!
Will be uploaded tomorrow on YouTube so stay Tuned!!!

- Why You should be a Superstar
Just like ME! -

U Emo Ah???

7:42pm Very quick and random. I thought of this yesterday and posted it on fb! When I looked at it today, I must say... I'm a genius! haha!

It goes like this...

u emo ah?
don't be emo

because in cantonese it says
"eeeee mo ah!"
(eeeee don't ah!)

so freakin lame aren't i?!

Coming soon!

4:50pm There has been many queries on why no updates? Well, I aim to give quality posts; one's that not only entertain but inspire! Hence, the lack of it ;)

Nonetheless, here's something for you to think about. BeN'Z is coming soon with a brand new video! So watch out as I assure you, it'll be nothing less than amazing :P

Drummin Maranatha!

2:22am It's been awhile since I've been playing the drums. Maybe 10 or 11 years now? Actually playing about 6 years. However, I've been serving in the church for around 8 years now. Consistently since 2008.

Thing about it is, this week, by coincidence I've been put to play in the main church! You may not feel the excitement I do, but trust me... WOW!

Although in some sense I feel it's only cause there wasn't another drummer available, but at the same time it's always an honor and pleasure to serve my God!

So if you wanna see how I rip those drums up, head on down to my church this Sunday at 8:30am or 11:00am!

For more details, click here. (Glad Tidings)

Gong XI Fa Cai; Happy Valentines!

As the occasion on this year's 14 February (10') dictates, Happy Chinese (Lunar) New Year!

This year being The year of THE TIGER, let it RAWRRRR!!!

But here's the Traditional Lion Dance eagerly awaited by myself to see yearly!

Here's the authentic Lion Dance head!

Here's the FAMOUS YEE SANG! - A very popular salad/rojak like dish during CNY

Although, which Xin Nian is complete without the Mandarin Oranges

Plus, the Ang Pao's
from Married couples to the unmarried ones such as myself :P

And lastly, what Chinese New Year is complete without FIREWORKS!

Not forgetting, seeing Valentine's day coincides, to those who have a partner or more** in mind, hope ya enjoyed yourself!

Here's the closest I found to a couple and CNY. haha!

May good health, wealth, prosperity and a wonderful spiritual plus social life overflow from you!


You know how everyone loves to drink juices? Amongst the many that people go for would be the apple, guava, mango, watermelon, and Definitely the most famous of all:
The ORANGE juice!

Now what's the relation between that and the title you may ask?

It's this:

Okay... there's a face on an orange, and the teeth are freaking GG yellow man. But as always, I've got something great to show ya!

I'm a huge fan of Youtube and here's a channel that made my past two days! watching the videos over and over again!

The Annoying Orange - Really ANNOYING ORANGE - Dane Boe

Well, enough talk and chit-chat. Just watch and behold the beauty that addicted me!
Here are my favorites!

Annoying Orange Saw

Annoying Orange 2 - Plumpkin

Are you annoyed yet? hehe.

Effects of AIDS?

And many have been questioning if the HIV results were true. Am I dying even faster as we speak? Here's a little of the disease...

Above: Picture taken of my fingers on the left hand.

Above: My skin is just peeling off like a snake.

Above: Skin peels.

So now do you think I'm HIV positive? Sigh...

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Enough playing around. In actual fact, I'm NOT infected alright people! As I mentioned in my posts on facebook or anywhere else, I say read first; read till the end of my post. If you read through, you'd have stumbled across the really fine print of red :)

The post was actually the gist of a real scenario I was in. I was the doctor. And the purpose of it was to educate others about patient's beliefs and worries, the doctor's role, and how it
only takes once!

The pictures above are really from my hands btw. Only thing is it's not skin. It's peelings from my hand because I spilt plastic glue all over. haha.

Therefore world, I'm sorry to say, but BeN'Z is going to be around a while longer! ;)

Told HIV positive...

And I couldn't believe it! How could it be?! I just had diarrhea and recurrent fever! The next thing I was told was that I'm HIV positive???!

~:~:~FAR OUT~:~:~
I just went in for my tummy upset as it was annoying me. The doctor gave me antibiotics for that. At the same time, he said he'd need my blood for testing. When I asked what for, he said to test for HIV.

My first impression was like... What on Earth for? Are you saying I sleep around. That I'm unfaithful to my partner? He said it's just a test as it may be possible. Seeing I did not do anything wrong, I said go ahead.

2 weeks later, I went to see the doctor again for the results. Initially, I was hyped and all jolly. After all, what could happen to me? I'm not like one of those druggies who wastes their life getting high. I'm not a slut or a whore that is up for grabs at anytime.

The next thing was, "This may come to you as a shock, but according to the results, you are positive for HIV. I am very sorry.". I was literally stunned. As if he spoke in another language or I had a hearing defect.

Tens of things ran through my mind at that moment. In disbelief that the doctor told me I have AIDS! I immediately asked him again if it was true. That the test is wrong! It must be! He tried to comfort me saying that the test could be repeated. Having said that he says that there's a low chance it'll be wrong because the test is very accurate.

I immediately started to question of what am I to do. How could this happen to me! Of all people? I've been a good and faithful partner. I pray everyday. I don't even gossip or slander at others.. Why me.. WHY ME!!!

In the heat of the moment I released my frustration and in denial told the doctor off. Telling him that he's the cause of this. I hated him. If it weren't for him, I wouldn't have done this test and be told or confirmed as a HIV positive person!

How would you feel?! You tell me! Everyone has that stigma of people with AIDS and avoid them. More than that, how can I face my partner and my family? I'd be an outcast. I wouldn't be accepted.

And in a short while, i had suddenly realized, it was just once. I never had intercourse with anyone except that once years ago. OMGosh!!! How unlucky am i?

After about 10 minutes, the doctor explained to me about the treatments and how I could suppress this HIV problem. Saying that it would essentially not affect my life. I was rather relieved and also thought of other alternatives.

The doctor was encouraging and very supportive not bashing me down for asking if the Chinese medicine or even Ayurveda works. He also said i could bring in my loved ones and help explain to them with me there.

Although I was relieved and felt more at ease by the end of my session with the doctor, it doesn't change the fact that I was HIV positive. But I guess, what's done is done and I've got to look at my life more optimistically. So here I am telling the world, well.. not really telling but remember

it just takes ONCE before you get it

follow the ABC
  • abstinence
  • be faithful
  • and if you can't, condomize!

Btw. HIV positive does not mean you are having AIDS.
this is an adaptation from a learning experience that I had. Myself having to break bad news to a patient. I'm not HIV positive k :)

To read more aabout HIV, click here.

Shocking news!!!

3:24pm No updates for the past week as my schedule has been hectic. From the hospital to practicing my clinical skills as well as communication. Rockin out at church as well was a blast! (was playin the drums). But the title is what you're more interested in. My write-up is coming in tomorrow. When you see what i have to tell you, you'll be shocked! You'll be sad. You'll eventually be upset and go wtf!

Hence, bookmark this for your tomorrow's read. As I assure you, you won't believe it!

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