Hey there,

Firstly, thanks for taking the time and viewing BeN'Z ver 6.09.

This newly established blog has its own goals, aims, needs, and also YOU to make it all the better! It shall encompass music, tech, random things and so much more that can't be thought of at this current moment.

BeN'Z otherwise known as Ben, Benny, Benedict, Benedict Sachdev, Sachler is currently a student in prestigious International Medical Univesity (IMU) in Malaysia. He resides in Malaysia but has spent a fair amount of time studying in many places such as Melbourne, Australia. He is a man of many talents as well as ideas that he has only God to thank for! He is an active participant in anything he undertakes.

BeN'Z is difficult to describe about in such a small page. For those that know him would not have any doubt in agreeing so. Also, it's best for YOU to get to know him personally rather than hear what others say about him. Hence, this blog allows you to get to know him a little deeper each and every day.

As mentioned in the above BeN'Z is hard to describe but below's a simple way to start off.

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(but why go through all the trouble? just check BeN'Z ver 6.09 regularly and you'll be fully updated)

Yours sincerely,
BeN'Z PeePz
Administrator of BeN'Z ver 6.09

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