Yourself from myself.

It's interesting how one seems oblivious to what he or she is or has done at times. No i'm not referring to the  bad points in a person or anyone in particular. In contrast, I speak of the good in an individual.

I recently came across several conversations with people who have complimented me in some way or another (no I am not self-absorbed or boasting). 

To myself, I don't really see much of the things i've done. In most cases I think that the things I do are rather minor and possibly meaningless and if ever I did something great or spectacular all glory to God! 

However, I was deeply moved when in a convo, a friend told me that I was a good influence and that whether I want to see the many talents I have is up to me :) I was really glad that I could be as such. Thanks much! After all, that's my purpose in life:

To make and be a great impact in this world for the better!

My questions to myself and to you reading this,
  • When should we accept or decline compliments received? 
  • Is it right to be humble and modest in circumstances when praise is given?
  • Is it wrong to accept what has been given to us openly? 

Questions that are highly debatable and varies between individuals. Some may be attention seekers and boast about how amazing they are all the time. While others prefer to be stage hands and be the backdrop of the star who are given little or no attention.  

To those people I highly salute you: because in many cases, those people are the ones that really make things a success!

As a wise man would say (BeN'Z word: 5/6/9), ' the main actor is the one who is not acting'.
[this saying contains many hidden meanings if you think about it]

*Do help me answer those trivial questions above. Just leave it in this posts comments below (YoU & BeN'Z).
Pictures courtesy of: MrOblivious

1 Comment Here!:

I'd say, accept the compliments! Because people mean it and they would like you to know, so, accept it.

It depends on whether or not you would want to be humble and modest. This varies in different individuals because of their personality and it also depends on where you are or if it is an occasion that you're in. In latter situations, it's not faking modesty but giving an appropriate response during that given time.

I don't think it's wrong. But, to me, sometimes, I would accept and sometimes, I wouldn't because *weirdly* I'm shy to receive compliments. After that, it would be silence and awkwardness for me because I do not know what to say after a simple 'thanks'. Yeap, I'm that weird.

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