Advertisements anyone?

As many would have noticed, there are a handful of ads on this blog. 

What are blog ads?
Their function is to advertise for people/ companies and etc. By doing so, they get paid. Blog ads allow bloggers to help them with the advertisements, and with every click on the ads, the blogger gets paid a certain amount. Otherwise, no earnings.

Before this blog started, I did some hunting and scouting about what advertisers should I affiliate with for this blog. It was easy to find but the fine-print took lots of understanding.So here's a little about the ads for those of you who would like to place them on your blog/site.

Below: Nuffnang ads, Google ads (Google adsense)


Based in asia-pacific
Many advertisements are Malaysian based
Nuffnang tries their best to place ads that fit the blog posts
Nuffnang pays in Ringgit Malaysia (RM)
Nuffnang has exclusive member rights (Gliterrati)


Advertisements are global
Google ads are intelligent and instantly places ads that fit blog posts
Google pays in US dollars ($)
Google has no exclusive member rights


Both have evaluations to your blog before allowing you to a part of their ads

Both have a minimum amount of unique visitor requisites 
before placing their ads on your blog

Both pay more per 1000 unique visitors

Both have a minimum amount to earn before you 
can collect your money

Both are trustworthy with information and details

Both have very good ads and the not so useful ads

Both don't allow blog authors to click on own ads.
If found to do so, they revoke their rights to place ads.

Of placing ads:
Gives you side-income

No copyright material can be placed on your blog (or they'll remove advertising privilege)
It makes your blog a mess (some ads are ...) 

So that's just a little about the ads. For more information, comment below or at YoU & BeN'Z. I will try my best to answer your questions.

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