International Medical University

This is the university i'm studying at.

Lots of students do complain about it. From facilities, all the way to facilitators for PBL's (problem based learning). I mean, which university doesn't have students making noise about one thing or the other?!

But, to me, it's a beautiful university. No, not in terms of landscape or architecture as it doesn't even have a patch of grass to sit on, and was supposed to be a shopping complex. To me, it's great because it's one of a kind. Not like other universities I know and hear of. It's really
 "I aM yoU".

Honestly, there are hundreds of things I could write about. Both the negatives and the positives. But let this video below say it all. It's old, "wise" and WTF material.

Wondering where I got this? I picked it off my good friend Faye's blog. Thx gurl :)

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