Love to save!

And charity was in the air. . .

Love to save by Digi and 14 other participating charity organizations.

This is rather backward in time but it's still on-going. So what's it about?

Well, I was among the 1st 10,000 "saviours" of this 'Love to save' fund raising event. In return, they rewarded me with this.

Free wallpapers
click here to view and download!

Therefore, do your part in donating. Only a few days left before it's over. You'll be redirected there as soon as you see the ad. 
(you may have to refresh this page several times to see the ad)

Click and donate, save the world!!! 
(save the cheerleader, save the world :P ~Heroes~)

BeN'Z word: (unofficial) 17/6/09
Remember, a charity a day keeps someone living another day! So imagine you're that person.

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