Twitter on blogs! BLITTER!

Have u noticed the rise in amount of people using "Twitter"?

Well, I have.

Do you know what it's about?
It's basically for people to update their moment to moment happenings.

e.g. I just ate dinner, it was yucks!!! ; I just saw TRANSFORMERSS II!!! Awesommeee!!

 And I checked it up. The inventors of Twitter are very creative. They knew what they wanted!

Acc to the dictionary (click to enlarge)

So what am I trying to convey here you may be asking?
I'm starting Blitter!!!

No it is not in the dictionary or any slang. Well, not yet I guess?!

I, Benedict Sachdev, officially CREATED the word Blitter today Sunday, 21 June 2009 at 11:33pm in Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia.

well, not created but INNOVATED it to a more common use unlike (click here) .
A blog twitter; (refer to "twitter") : BeN'Z just posted a new blitter about him watching street fighter the legend of chun-li.

Blog twitter; (starts with B reminds people BeN'Z made blog twitter)

How to follow blitters like using twitter?
Whichever blogger(blog/site) you want to see blitters occasionally, subscribe to their rss feeds and you'll be updated immediately even through your mobile.

I hope you have learnt a new word today. AND that was the 1st ever Blitter in the world!!!

*note: this is not a "blither" - a long-winded talk with no substance :)

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