Are you smarter than...

The next guy to you?

Yes, we've seen the show "are you smarter than a 5th grader". 

Hilarious show. Really makes me realize that the simplest things are the ones you forget or don't take note of. Up till today, I haven't seen anyone who touched the 1 million dollars. 500,000 yes. Many in fact.

Below a little snip of the show.

But this is more than that. I'm asking Are you smarter than the guy next to you. I realized, many people in this nation, the world, and maybe the majority lies in Americans. They just don't know their geography!

Check this out!

So here's a picture I found that'll help you know this small speck in the universe (Earth) a little better!

Courtesy of this website.

A little more in depth? Go Google Earth!

2 Comment Here!:

good God, God save America

hahaha. you can say that again!

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