When u are hopeless- see it.

That title really speaks enough. Many people go day-in-day-out not realizing how fortunate they are. May it be in terms of family, financial, social, education, or even physical outlook - the majority are blessed enough.

We always end up comparing with one another who is worse off. The usual lines are - wow...

1) She's so rich she never has to work. What problems could she possibly have. I can't even afford e.g. McDonalds

2) She has such nice legs, i wish i were like her.

The end result is really "why am i not as lucky or fortunate as the other person?"

Have a look at this video below. I assure you, the fact that you have the pleasure to wake up the next day and go to that crappy job of yours shows how blessed you are.

When u are hopeless- see it.

Be thankful to God for all that you have and not what you don't have.

- Posted using BlogPress from BeN'Z New iPad

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