What do they mean to you?

It is always a challenge when we as individuals, are required to team up with a collective. Crudely said, forced to accommodate another array of individual(s).

Some people are natural born leaders, while others are slaves to the flow and easily conform to the dominant player. There are those who play in the grey zone and adapt according to the given circumstances.

In all the above, no matter whom / what type of person you or the other individual you are in contact with, there comes the issue of subordination!

What does it mean?
Essentially, it encompasses a variety of moral values or code of ethics.
Amongst them are respect, responsibility, modesty, and selflessness.

What do they mean to you?
That is today's question.

Give it a thought or two. Maybe even three. Sometimes in the reality of give-and-take, some people never reached the level of maturity to understand and comprehend their doings or may be in denial. I quote "Ignorance is bliss".

Many times despite adequate reasoning, especially in the Malaysian setting (uncertain about other countries), most people are kiasu (selfish), arrogant, irresponsible, and demand respect without giving them.

To me, age is not the definition of maturity in any aspect. Regardless of status and position, the role of I am the leader/ your boss/ your senior/ your boot to lick, really boils me up. It's like a scarab crawling from within my skin at my subcutaneous layer!

I urge anyone who reads this to understand one thing only, you may have it all going for you, but never undermine others and give everyone the benefit of doubt before rushing the leap and pulling the trigger. Beware of those shoe shiners and act justly with no personal feelings intertwined to your professional role.

So, do you think you are that mature? Do you think you are "like a bause"/ like the God?

Or can we learn from countries like Australia where although a professor has a double or triple doctorate they still talk to their freshman student like a friend and allow the calling of their first name rather than title/ rank.

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