Where do you go?

It's amazing... humans have progressed so much over the recent century and yet, we are still the same.

Over the past 2 months i have learnt that in this world, life is unfair. In specific, people are unfair; filled with their own interest with disregard of those they don't call - "my good friend".

More than that, no matter what position one has achieved in life may it be the King, Tan Sri, your boss, your friend or even your family: the level of understanding and maturity may be very poor. Biasness and discrimination will never disappear so long people exist.

The unfortunate thing is that i realized this late.. i always think to give the benefit of doubt and to be kind to everyone. But all i recoeved in return is contrary to my belief. In this cruel world, i realized it's only logical to be selfish and think of oneself. Nobody can ever be satisfied and majority will never appreciate.

This post sounds pessimistic, but i still hang on to the only one who won't ever disappoint me and be unjustly to me. That person is God. No matter what i do at least one person will still encourage me and be there for me. The world may perish but with Him we have eternal life and i guess that's the one thing that keeps me going.

I hope you may share this friend of mine as nothing is impossible for Him.

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