Difficulty? Hmph!

Why do we choose to make life difficult for ourselves?

Look at the picture above, it really is an easy choice isn't it? - well, depending if you are a girl or guy and what sexual preferences you have.

But seriously! Majority of people always complain about how stressed up with work or studies or social life or God knows what.




It doesn't make sense to me.

Is it because of procrastination?

.. because of others?

.. because of supernatural forces?!

Well, I'm not really sure: depending on the circumstance at least. I mean if so happened I was being chased by a dog and superman came to save me, then I turned up on the news and reporters start to harass me relentlessly followed by the CIA accusing me of being an accomplice to some terrorist bombing... bla bla bla. You get the drift.

At the end of the day, we can make all sorts of excuse in the world or universe; but deep down we know the real reason life becomes difficult for ourselves.

The reason is because of the choices we make that lead to an inevitable position that does not cater to the required purpose of an event.

In laymen's language, it's because of our own doing.

So this week, make the "right" choices not the ones we "like".

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