People problems

12:38am Why make life so confusing? Medicine is probably the most difficult course because you always have to deal with people and problems..

Sometimes I think in life we act too rash. For example today, a colleague of mine was doing a presentation and mentioned about Beau's lines.

I looked at my friend and merely showed my fingers, and asked if the lines present was that. Following that she showed me what looks like a white-out stain on her nail, and i told her it was traumatic. Without query, the lecturer attending the presentation immediately said, "if you want to have a discussion get out. you don't want to listen then go out. if you are presenting, you wouldn't want people talking away. so... go out."

If you ask me, i thought that was very uncalled-for. I did not speak throughout the entire session and paid attention to the presentations, of which i must say were just people reading off every word from the projector, and i did not get a 2nd look.

I find that in today's modern day, people are becoming less rational. They only think of their ways, not taking input from others or explaining the best solution with good evidence/ reasoning. It's disappointing and definitely irritates the heavens out of me.

If you are one to read this post, please be more concientious of others and reason with logic and sense as well as on basis. Don't burst out at people unnecessarily when they are innocent.

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