
2:42am Maybe you require a dictionary when reading the title of this post. But essentially it means lack of interest. In what you may ask? Basically, in studies. Examz are next week and 2 weeks later are my finals, and i just am not interested to study. I am uncertain why. I know i must study, i want to study, but i just turn away from it. I am more interested in playing games or drums or etc.

It annoys me because I always end up in a situation where I am fighting to finish studying. I hate it very much. I plan to finish so much by this and that - having alot of extra time to go through another round or so. But, as a wise person once said - Plans are meant to be broken.

Little may i ask of your favor that you just pray I do extremely well in my examz. I'm on a thin thread and I need to score in all of it to keep me in this game.

I have faith that all in all, God'll pull me through. But no harm getting more ppl telling Him to assist me is there? :P

Have a lovely blessed day you who reads this sappy and oh so not updated blog.

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