Superstars of dance!

If you haven't heard about it, you definitely should! It's an international dance competition between several countries such as the US of A, Australia, China, India, Russia, Ireland, Argentina and lastly Africa!

There are various categories within the show: solo, group, ...

And these contestants or better said national hero participants bring dance to a new level with their mixture of their nation's tradition and the world of dance!

I caught the week 1 performance for a few, yeah rather late I know! But, here's my favorites that I found amazing!

Firstly, from the solo category. I found her technique was executed to perfection.
Maria Kotchetkova - Ballet

Also, soloist; awarded the number 1 contemporary dancer of Australia - he felt the music and expressed it superbly with technique, flair and amazing expression!
Reed Luplau - Contemporary dance

Next, from the duet category, the group from China! Although they didn't score very high and were eliminated, I believe that people around the world should watch this seeing that it's almost impossible for a normal person to do.
Zhen Zhu Neng & An Nan - Acrobat Ballet

Finally, from team USA, the group category that showed great versatility, comedy, b-boy, hip-hop, break and the streets to the stage!
Groovaloos - Street

To visit the official website, click here.

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