IMU Darts competition

For those of you who do not know, that's a dart board.

In a gist, the board has numbers 1-20,
where the black areas in that number give you that point,

while the outer colored circle is 2X the points,
the inner colored circle is 3X the points,

and the green part around the bulls-eye is 25,
while the "BIG" red dot in the middle is 50 points!

Wow.. that was a mouth-full!

Contrary to the belief of aiming for the bulls-eye, players would aim for the triple 20 as 3 darts at that would give you the maximum score of 180!!!

And here's a set of darts I happened to find lying around the house.

Looks good huh? It's light too!

Back to the darts competition...
In the competition, my captain Wen Peng had placed me in the males singles category. I actually felt like playing doubles seeing I don't play darts, and if I lost it'd only be half my fault :P

Over the past two days, I had two matches. Of which it was a challenge for me from the beginning as I was battling the sandman to wake up early for the competition! On Wednesday and Thursday, I won both matches & I felt great about it! hehe.

The best thing about it, I had the highest throw in one turn of 140!!! 2X 3X60, and 1X 20.

Although I won my matches in the group stage, we did not make it to the finals because overall my team did not qualify. We won 3-2, and lost 4-1. Making it a total of only 4 wins while the other 2 teams had 5 each.
[Tell you a joke, I thought I only had to win my match. I did not know it would make any difference if I won 2-0 or 2-1. Hence, I was fooling around for my match today. This is something I must work on. To play my best all the time!]

I was disappointed as I thought we would have made it through. Initially, I felt as if my efforts went to waste. But, I felt much better after hearing what my buddy Ignatius mentioned, (rephrased)

"Think about this, it's good that you win and not nice when you don't get through because your teammates did lost. But similarly, if you were the one who lost, while your teammates won and overall you qualified, you'd be happy too!"

Does that make sense to you? It really did to me! =D

Also, I felt real good after hearing what my Malaysian studies lecturer(Mrs Poon) mentioned, but I just can't recall it at the moment.

Well, that's that! I'm happy about the game as I did my team proud and myself! Also, thanks to the team for giving me the opportunity to play. Until the next match!

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