Music dilemma..

11:18am Just awoke after a 13 hour sleep. Boy I feel so much better now compared to the 2 hour sleep and 15 hours of being awake. Anyway, I'm in a dilemma regarding what instrument I should focus on. Again and again it comes to me. hehe. The contest is between the piano, guitar and violin. Not drums because I'm pretty alright with that already. The piano just dazzles me away, guitar makes me feel like a Rock Star, whilst the violin is just emotion and sentiment piercing... Help me?

5 Comment Here!:

hmm, are you proficient with all of them, or are you good at a particular one? :D

usually if you play string instruments it's not so recommended to play the piano because as the skin on your finger grows thicker from the friction with the strings you will lose some sense of touch needed to play piano proficiently. and ouch.

also think if you're going classical or pop. guitar is definitely a good pop instrument, while violin and piano works better as a classical instrument.

of course, i'd say go for guitar if you're into classical music... we lack classical guitarists in malaysia!! D:

thanks for the feedback! really helps :) i'll have to sleep over'em.

hi cousin,

if i were you, i will choose violin..

i think violin is the best instrument to express your feelings..

by the way, i have never seen you play violin before..

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