Birthday rap!

Birthdays are probably the best day in the entire year for everyone in the world.

This because, no matter what you did or etc. everyone would be real happy around you and not say mean things to you (that said, they shouldn't).

What only goes up and never comes down?

So, today I was facebook-ing and was typing a birthday message to a good friend of mine. As I was in the midst of it, I suddenly came up with a rap for him! This would be my 2nd birthday rap for anyone!

"Happy BIRTHDAY Isaac Check!"

do listen to my birthday rap for him. I assure you, it is pretty rad!
(if you're interested, ask me for the link)

Below: my first birthday rap for Ian Ng.

1 Comment Here!:

Dude. I take it back. You're not lame.

You're superdydupermegafantasticlysuperkalefragisticexpieledociously LAME.

I don't get how you can watch yourself again and actually dare upload it. Ben, do you not have shame? :P

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