Melodies of the violin

The violin as i've mentioned in older posts, may just be the most beautiful instrument ever to be made. Enjoyed by people around the world from young to old; from centuries ago; from the asians to the westerners. The sound, the resonance, the stradivarius :P It takes you on a journey that captivates both your mind and your soul...

Below are two videos, both in regards to David Garrett, the fastest violin player in the world! This however, is more about his songs.

One's David's 'Smooth Criminal' - Michael Jackson, played by a very famous Youtuber Ben Chan; the other is 'He's a Pirate' from the movie Pirates of the Caribbean b Mr. Garrett himself.

Do listen to your heart's delight!

2 Comment Here!:

See I feel like violin is becoming such a lost art...but then I see clips like this and get excited about it again! We need more violinist like this to bring it (closer) to mainstream! Great Stuff!

Keep it up!

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