Dance crew of WORLD standard!

Dancing is a past-time for many people. They find joy and relaxation as well as satisfaction and a great reward from it. May it be ballroom dancing, belly dancing or right down to the streets of hip-hop and breakdancing!

However, in Malaysia there are only a handful that I've seen perform really well. Sure, the ideas are there in pretty much any dance crew. But, the execution is key to it! Of which many don't have that flair to do so. Either the expression is wrong, or the steps are not synchronized or even simply bad choreography!

Then what about the post? Let me have the honor of introducing to you


Sure they seem rather gay in the beginning of the video below, but believe me when i say, they are comparable to the likes of America and the rest of the world. Great choreography, breakdancing, b-boy, hip-hop, ballet and near perfect execution! This goes to show, support your local scene as they may just WOW you!

2 Comment Here!:

cool stuff!
they sure have nice moves =)

I know! that's why I had to put'em there!

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