What makes a good blog?

BeN'Z ver 6.09 has been up for more than 3 months now. Updates are pretty much daily, but I still feel there's something lacking. I begin to ask

"What makes a good blog?"

With daily updates, advertising my posts via Innit and facebook, my average daily unique viewers round to 50 people. And I'm sitting here wondering, what does my site lack that other bloggers have; bringing them minimally 200 people up to 10 - 20,000 unique viewers a day.

For the most of it, I feel that my posts have more meaning, creative & innovative ideas, and is more updated compared to many. Also, with my BeN'Z original youtube videos, I reckoned it was going to be a bigger hit! Yet, those guys who just go on ranting about their life and troubles as well as where they went and came back from, make me look like a noob in blogging.

Hence, as i've mentioned to many, I've been thinking on several methods on how to source-in more viewers!
  1. Advertise more via different blogging sites
  2. Blog hop at least 100 a day!
  3. Start giving out name cards with my site as a reference
  4. More BeN'Z original youtube videos
  5. Place more nudity pics ;P
  6. Start BeN'Zures (BeN'Z video Log)
  7. I just can't think of anything...

And with this, I would like to encourage my fellow viewers to let me know what they would like on BeN'Z ver6.09. Even your own ideas would be great! If you're already a top blogger, a few tips would be awesome!

1 Comment Here!:

err.. i may not be a top blogger ya.. but here's what i think..

1) be yourself
2) be funny
3) pictures, pictures, pictures
4) dont be wordy (people doesn't like words cramped together)
5) paragraphing
6) funny pictures (edits)
7) visit others (exposure)
8) comment on blogs (show interest in other blogs)
9) be yourself (oh I mentioned right?)

all the best =)


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