When you say I'm gay...

The term "GAY" has been a label on my forehead and even on my butt for years now. God knows the reasons why people refer that to me. BUT...

After browsing through some photos of mine, I'm beginning to dee how I've been framed! People don't see the entire picture(s).

So check the pics out, and comment to let me know your thoughts :)

Above: Jon and I getting started

Above: We were feeling SOO HAWT, we brought another guy in!

Above: After the heated session we were happy =D

Above: Sometimes, I'm hard to resist!

Above: He was rather influential... Felt good...

Above: The more the merrier!!! (they want me too!)

Above: When control is lost... RAPE'em ALL!!!

Above: You must love your partner anytime & anywhere!

And here's an example of showing the world how much "you care"
(FFFiinnnn GAYS!!!)

Lastly, a beautiful picture made by Darren Chan.

And yes, guyz dig US!

Btw, if you see a guy you like in any picture, let me know and I'll hook you up!

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