Of prank calls

You know how sometimes you get a random person calling you and asking for someone else

e.g Ah Lan C... ???

Or when you're fast asleep at night or early in the morning the caller would be like:

"Hi I'm -so and so- from -here and there- and we have -this and that-" bla bla bla.

Then you either entertain the dude or just "HANG UP LAH!".

Well, everyone has seen the prank call of

Also, how not to know about the

But I think this one must be the most racist, rude and crude, and pure 'ASS HOLE' prank call.
~Ah Beng VS Bangla~

Let me know if you've had anything like this happened to you? I'll be uploading a video of myself prank calling someone real soon.

Hope it ain't you~ Heh heh!

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