Music revolution

These days, it's near impossible to find a person who doesn't fancy listening to music as a past-time. Don't believe me?

Ask any of your friends randomly throughout the day -
"Hey what are you up to now?"
Chances are, out of 10, 8 would say -
"Nothing... Just listening to music."

Here's my little take on modern music and change. I'm not giving an extreme like saying Frank Sinatra's jazzy blues-ish + swing-time music to techno rap.

My example is the lovely bootylicious and very vibrant lady:
(well known for her SEXY belly dancing!)

Here's the first song that got me addicted to her.

'Whenever wherever' - Shakira

Then also a little slower and mesmerizingly sexy,

'Underneath your clothes' - Shakira

Not to forget the very famous hit which were on the charts for a while,

'Hips don't lie' - Shakira feat Wyclef Jean

But now, WTF is

'She wolf' - Shakira

To me, this is a personal opinion (no offence to anyone), I feel it's a major waste.. She's giving in to main-stream music of the deep bass kick, dance-type hi-hat and computerized singing.

She's still really good, but I prefer her originals. After all, she has such an amazingly unique voice that captures me. (lovessss!!!) hahaha.

However, who could blame her for doing so? It makes people happy and hence, putting bucks in her bank, which is essentially the idea of what is called a "career".

Btw, did you notice that random "woooo" (wold howl) in the song she wolf. haha. Random!!!

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