Praise and Worship the KING!

As you all know, I'm a drummer in church (GTPJ). And this week I'm on for the Young Adults Saturday service. That means today at

4pm Pre-service prayer
5pm Service
7ish Service ends

I was very inspired by last nights concert session at church by Bob Fits. Honestly I'm not so sure who he is, but he was very good and definitely anointed! Not sure if it's about his singing about how he plays the guitar that lifted up the entire hall of 2000+ people in to a special relationship of praise and worship to the king.

But, I'm certain God was definitely moving in everyone! Even in those who don't know Him!

So today I'll be rocking up the drum-set in the worship team; hence, if you're able to make it, do come and have a great time with God and His word. Of course it'd be okay too if you came to watch me :P hahahaha!!!

Here are some songs we're playing today!

Hope you have been Blessed!

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