The truth to being buff results!

It has been 2 weeks now since the polls have been up and the response has been amazing!

These are the results to

A breakdown
As you can obviously see, most readers here are between 18-21.

There were more males who took the polls than female. However, if you think properly, there are fags who took the poll as the number of male to female ratio don't add up ;p

Also, both male and female agree that moderation is the best combination for guys!

Surprisingly, well not really; most people want to be well-built for self-satisfaction. I was under the impression it's for health though. haha. And of course, there was an equal minority about looking good, being strong, and a STIGMATIZATION OF MEN.

Finally, both male and female would love to have great bodies, but do not want to put in the effort and time to exercise their way to that model like figure.

Talk about having dreams :)

So, in essence, A GUY DOESN"T HAVE TO BE THE HUMAN HULK to get the girls. Which explains very much why in Malaysia not many guys are well-built but in moderation. :)

Therefore, guys, don't be gym freaks but don't be a stick too!

Check out "Park-ing"!

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