Snooker competition

Obviously you'd have noticed I didn't update yesterday. And I'm certain you can guess why. Well, for me it was an extremely tight weekend. From waking up on Saturday with church worship team practice, then friend's birthday, followed by sleeping and going out till sunday morning at 2am. Then had to come home at 2 something and practice for Sunday's church service.

Btw, I was playing the drums for the band.

So essentially I had 3 hours and a half of sleep as I woke at 6 + in the morning. From then on, it was playing drums in church for two services and rushing off to the snooker competition at 1pm of which I was late due to a car blocking me from leaving.

Upon arriving at the competition, we began a little late as no one knew what was the line up and who's in charge. Thank goodness for the pool and snooker president Murresh for coming from Seremban just for this event ( intra-IMU-house snooker competition).

In a gist,
6 teams competed in a 3 by 3 grouping.

The match began with 2 teams having head-on matches. One team won (Pegasus) and the other lost (Phoenix). Initially they were told to have been eliminated but after some arrangements, the matches were arranged as groupings as it was more fair. 1 team did not show (Taurus) therefore, 2 other teams (Pegasus & Phoenix) walked-over to semi's although one team lost.

The other 3 teams competed to the end of which 1 team won both teams (Hydra) and progressed to semi's, and the other two competed - of which another entered semi's too (Draco).

It was sad and a pity that Griffin lost due to 2 male players left to attend badminton matches. Moreover, the 1st male singles didn't lose any matches while the girl from the mixed doubles came without even playing a single game.

Pegasus then entered finals after defeating Draco, while Phoenix removed Hydra from the competition over a one point lead.

3rd and 4th placing was decided as Draco chose to forfeit since it was really late already. Hence in 3rd place was Hydra.

2nd placing went to Pegasus while 1st to Phoenix in a mixed-doubles deciding match.

To talk about my game then. Basically, I'm from the team Pegasus. And without mentioning you'd realize that I got runner-up. Why is this? No I didn't lose any of my matches. In fact I won all my games and opponents. (self-praise here! hahaha. once in a while =p)

Well, we lost the finals because of me. I as the captain made a bad call. After I won my finals match, I went to the next table of which my team player was taking a shot, and I instructed her to attempt a combination shot.

I saw it immediately as it was a straight shot in which the connecting ball would just roll into the pocket and they'd win as only several minutes was left. Also, my player would have a straight shot on the black meaning an 8 point lead. However, my idea was vague for my player to understand and it left an open shot for the opponent and they won by an eight point lead with a 4 point foul. Hence, the disappointing loss.

It was entirely my fault for the bad call, and I'm rather sad as I caused my team to get second instead of allowing them to play their game and getting 1st. Well, as they say you win some and you lose some! I'm just glad that my team was AWESOME! They played really well and we can still say it was a fluke win :P (sore-loser spirit).


And if you are wondering, the match ended at 10:50pm. And I'm here blogging about it now! What a day for me huh?! Not forgetting throughout the day I had to crack my head arranging the matches and etc when I'm a participant. But thanks to everyone for their co-operation!

So that's that!

Anyway, this is the most detailed blog post of myself so far. Occurs once in a blue moon :P

2 Comment Here!:

what time did the match actually commence? U guys should've asked for a postponement. Who was in charge of organizing snooker? Absolute inefficiency...!

Though I am happy for Phoenix's victory, but for sportsmanship, it was kinda unfair for all Griffin, Draco and Pegasus...
Congratz on the wins anyways.
God created ppl with flaws..(though I have no idea how snooker goes), hence no one is perfect. U performed ur best anyway.
Have a good rest and thank god tomorrow's a hol

bout near 2pm. haha. yeah. people wanted to postpone while majority wanted to finish it there and then. but couldn't be helped. it's cuz of the mix ups in who plays who and etc. haha.

well, a win is a win. win lose makes no difference in the end as long as you know where you stand and the reasons for losing or winning.

haha. no one's perfect? i thought i was :P

happy MERDEKA!

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