Key to success

BeN'Z word:
"Key to success: Is what the majority wants to know, but only the minority knows."

That key of course is in the secular world. The key to success is the ultimate goal into a good; great life. As soon as the person understands and comprehends whilst taking it into action, he or she is set to do well!

However, it's a variable concept or idea so to say.
  1. It depends on the occupation you're doing.
  2. It depends on the time, day, year and place.
  3. It depends on your moral principles.
  4. It depends on how much you want it.
  5. It depends on how far you'd go for it.
  6. It depends on the individual himself.

But, this differs when you bring it into a religious approach. I believe whatever religion it is, they would say that the key to success is their God. And hence, I had this conversation.

Now, you might disagree with me or even agree. Either ways, it's a personal opinion. Reason being, even if you had the biggest grant in your life (in this context = God's favor & help), if a person does not work for it; or want and believe in it, it's useless.

"Like a key to a different lock where the grooves don't match."

Hence, tell me what you think about this, as I'd like to learn from different perspectives as I believes my readers would too!

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