Ian Ng.Com

HAHAHA!!! you must be wondering what am I laughing about. Why did I name my post that. Well, if you type it in your address bar, you'll understand.

Today, this buddy of mine, IAN (I Am Nothing) NG (pronounced Neng =p) who currently studies nonsense and total rubbish in the crap hole down-under called Australia (OZZIE - to sound "cool" like a fool), dedicated an entire post to me!

WTF for?! I was wondering what did I do that made his day.

Until I had a short chat with him on msn, to find out it's not the creative or good, nice things I do in my videos on YouTube. But, understanding that what made his day was me sneezing in the video and rolling my eyes all around. And just when I thought someone appreciates my singing :P

it is this video

and this really made my day :) :) :)

so people, like it = subscribe it!

and please, click Here to view the entire post about BeN'Z by Mr Ng.

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