Pick up lines?

As always, there's the never ending attempt of male testosterone to lure girls like a mousetrap with cheese does a mouse.

Like one of the corniest:

"Are you from heaven? Cause I didn't know angels flew this low."

I'm very certain loads of guyz have tried that line. I for one thought of trying but resisted as i'm certain the outcome isn't one i may look forward to!

Outcome 1

Outcome 2

Outcome 3

Outcome 4

Here's a few that i've heard recently.

"Are you wearing contacts? Cause I'm Good close contact!"

"You're like a drug. Cause you've got me addicted to you!"

"You the official here? Cause you officially gave me a boner!"
(Blades of Glory)

"I'm bad at physics. But I'm sure you and I have chemistry!"

"Hey I just shat in my pants. Can I get into yours?"

Here's another few from this website I found:

"Your body is a wonderland and I wanna be alice!"

"I'm not drunk. I'm just intoxicated by you!"

"You can fall off a building, you can fall out a tree, but the best way to fall, is in love with me!"

And of course, seeing I'm in med school, it wouldn't be complete without:

"Do you want to study later? We could study one another's anatomy in depth!"

Thus, I end here. Boys and girls, please feel free to try them out. And if Outcome 4 occurs, let me know! haha! Otherwise, I pretty much know what happened ;P

To check more pick-up lines, click here.

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