Indian man joke of the day

And so as you know i'm slowly studying an working my way up to being a doctor. Another 3 years and you can call me Dr. BeN'Z! Until then, it's nice being calles dr, but it's unfitting and i ain't ready to be a representatives of the modern day Gods'.

Here's a conversation between an indian man and his doctor. I couldn't help but laugh!

An indian male patient came in complaining of kidney pain and body as well. He said he was drinking. Dr advised to stop drinking and he'll be fine. He then said " my father taught me since young. If you don't drink not indian, don't lie not chinese , no style = not malay". Hahaha!

5 Comment Here!:

you are the most indian asshole i've ever met.. :P

Don't understand the joke.

wrong..not drink=not indian, not kiasu=not chinese, not LAZY=not malay

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