I'd do anything for ya -Grenade Bruno Mars

This song has been playing in my mind for the past few days. haha. Tyler Ward did it justice with this acoustic cover ;)

Bruno Mars - Grenade (Julia & Tyler Acoustic Cover)

Hope ya don't have to sing this song to your loved one. As sweet as it is, the person was ditched! :(

You create the Scene


did u know, playing music is very addictive. it's sorta like reading a book for some. takes you on a journey where you discover new things, feelings, emotions, happiness, fear, and basically where you control the scene :D

Btw, sorry bout' the disappearance for 2 weeks! been busy trying to practice my instruments and addicted to 'Beethoven Virus'. Will be making a new vid extremely soon. Deciding the piece. hehe.

leave suggestions if any!

O O O O and pray for my exam tomorrow at 10am and 2pm! God bless!

301th post?!

Pretty far out if ya asked me! It has been over a year since the blog started and just the other day, without me realizing, twas' my 300th post! Making this the:

301th post?!

A lot has changed through my blogging styles and material since the start of it. Anyhow, here's a cake for me Bloggieeeeee :)

sidetrackkkkkkk -->

And update to the Yamaha DTX drum competition,
.... I
.... am
..... NOT PLAYING!!!

Nah, not much to be sad about. They cancelled the competition due to lack of participation. Sad as I wanted to gauge myself to other drummers locally, but it happens!

Have a great week ahead beautifuls!

Slide away car car! WEEEEEEEeeee!

Ya know Tokyo Drift,

Ya know Drag Races,

Ya know cars + speed + dangerous weather = GG :)

Well, maybe even in a calm weather but very smooth terrain ya gonna be in a slippery position!

This video takes a prize for being the most simple video, yet addictive to see what just happens next!

Sliding Cars in Seattle Snow on 11/22/10

Double Trouble BeN'Z Word!

This may just be the first time (from what I can recall, of having two BeN'Z words in a day!)

SO here they are:

BeN'Z word:
Writing leaves evidence,
whilst chatter may be twisted into a fiction of one's imagination.

BeN'Z word
Decency is a matter of perception in one's mind.

In some sense, they're unrelated; but, i hope they may help you in some way today, tomorrow or the near future!!!

It was viral from the start!

I saw this vid when there were still a few views and few subscribers. Few days after, this guy just owned my youtube channel without a 2nd look. :(

but i must admit, his dancing and accent was ... i just can't do it. people won't buy it from me. hahaha!


Club Can't Handle Me (Indian Style)

Time is of the essence!

Ever felt that some days are long yet short, a drag yet a breeze, a something yet another something?

If there's one thing a person realizes as they grow "older" each and every day,
is the need for more time!

Take these as examples:

Running a race

Doing an exam

Completing a project

Spending family time

Awaiting the bright light

For myself, mainly is regarding
personal, family, social, and medical life.
The balance between these are a challenge everyday.

It's cool when everything's balanced. Like yin and yang; alpha and omega.

Life is perfect!
Then again, that's not life; that's make-belief.

Disrupting this ball of sectors, will make one end happy, whilst the rest either just contented; or unhappy. It's all cool when all parties understand this principle. But many times, one just lies on the wok like a stir-fried fish.

yeah it looks yummy,
but note that it's only delicious
for those whom are eating it: NOT me :P

In conclusion, all I want to rant out is:

God I pray that you help me
multiply my hours;
work out perfectly!
In Jesus name, AMEN!

a lil update?


that's what you must be thinking now!

.... but NO! I am still around :)

about my life,
  1. I've finished my Internal Medicine posting
  2. Currently in my Family Medicine posting
  3. Waking up is still as late as ever... 7:00am.
  4. Was anxiously awaiting the Yamaha Drum Competition which was... postponed.
  5. The work from studies are piled up as always for some funny reason.
  6. Would like a holiday! with family :)
  7. Need to start studying.... like for real... actually reading.
  8. I'm enjoying life one day at a time.

Things to note, Med school is quite chillaxed if you're a non-easily-stressed person. I guess it really depends what's your aim in life. What you plan to achieve.

**When at a junction that boggles your mind
and toggles your stress hormones (cortisol) on,
breathe in and out slowly,
count to 60 and tell yourself,

1st Yamaha DTX drums competition!!!

It's an electronic drums competition; first of its kind to Malaysia - hosted by Yamaha.

And guess what?! I'm entering!!! :))

So this is the video i'm sending in to enter the first round!

Pray i get it! ~ pls and tq!

1st Yamaha DTX drums competition - initial submission - BeN'Z

Do tell your family & friends! :D

Link to Youtube and read the info!
For more info, visit Yamaha.

nice patient nice patient nice patient!

Drum drum drummmmm!!!

2:51am I'm just sbout to sleep thinking how i'm gonna wake up for church later, but i have to! Anyway, blog posts have been such a bore lately, you can tell. Reason being caught up with work and time just passes so fast.

My internal med posting exam is this coming Thurs at 7:45 am. Haven't had much brain food for awhile... Gotta do well nonetheless. Pray for me yeah :)

Anyway, from the title (read title), i actually made a short video for youtube two days back. Mostly on stick tricks and drumline snare. Hadn't had the time to edit n post it, but it'll be up one of these days.

Oooo... And btw, i've got something interesting to tell you. Will be joining ... ..

Come back again to find out!
Agod bless ya! ;)

A day i'll remember always!

That girl - love her more than life!

As the title says, need i mention more?

A David Choi original but cover by yours truly BeN'Z!

BeN'Z was bored sitting around
on a "Thursday" night
and this came up!

That Girl - David Choi - cover by BeN'Z

This is an episode of BeN'Zures

Pure genius!

Technology just keeps getting better and better! and Trust one of the indians to deliver such an experience ;)

I was left wondering... what's next! any ideas?

Greatttt musicccc :)

The most recent hit single that makes all the girls hearts warm:

a well done rendition to

"Just the way you are" - Bruno Mars - By Jayeslee

And if this isn't your taste, then let's go old school and legendary!
Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen! but instead -

"Bohemian Slide" - MysteryGuitarMan

Hope you enjoyed :)
So sing a lovely song to your lovely friend :P

Talk about an Ah Long boyfriend!

Ah Long translated to english means "money lender".

In some sense a loan shark.
or some say a bank with EXTREMELY high interest rate;
where everyone's eligible.

Nothing against them. I actually think it's pretty cool that they send pigs head and etc to your house if you borrow and don't pay; NOT the killing and injuring people part, but otherwise cool cool cool!

So one of the youtubers - a chinese girl made this video.
Hilarious! MUST WATCH!
(cantonese speaking but english subtitles)

My Bad Ass ASIAN Boyfriend

so lil timeeee. . .

12:02am I didn't think it'd be this "hectic": the 2nd phase of med school. With barely much sleep, much time to even read or do any work, it's worrying what the outcome will be. Yeah, i learn lots in the wad. However, i wonder if it's good enough to help me pass my examz! hahaha! I want to be the best doctor i can be, but i need to clear this hurdle too :P So, pray along with me that i'll stun everyone who thinks i can't and that i'll be so amazing, God's love'll shine through me! Amen!

Above: (lay-men) A heart problem, i'm busy. Let's schedule for September next year.

Ya know you saw this in star trek!

From 10 years ago, we could only say:

"This won't happen anytime soon. But definitely in the future!"

~The best example~
Touch-screen interfaces:

From star trek

From apple - The iPad

Also, we see movies like ironman having
multitouch air & table

From ironman

And soon, if you like,
from your bedroom! Seriously, it's insane!

watch on how to build your own!

Hence, technology is advancing so fast that before you know it,
the world will say:

" Think Again ;) "

For more info on apple's iPad, click here.
For more info on the multitouch 'table', click here.

The Raya Break

Clinical school (the 2nd phase of med school) started for 2 weeks now. Raya break for a week and the next holidays i have are next Chinese New Year! Such is the life of a medical student...

*rethinking plans on becoming a dr*

Currently my schedule runs around:
Wake up at 6+am, be at the hospital for rounds by 7:30-8am, wad work till 10/11am, presentations till 1pm, 1 hour break, 2-5pm more student presentations/mini lectures/discussions or if iy ends early or wtv -back to the hospital. Not to forget, sometimes ya don't leave the wad at 5. Maybe around 6ish 7.

So i'll be home around 7ish8 and things to do are: cook, eat, shower, study, internet, read, prepare, sleep. The cycle then continues. :)

Btw, once a week on call from 5:30pm onwards. Wohoo!!!

Those who haven't entered med school or are reaching the clinical phase rethinking yet? Hahaha!

Well, this isn't that bad considering the new housemen had schedules of 6am to 12am daily! How awesome and much dedication drs are!

This post is pretty wordy but, point to take home is, even on raya break, we're expected to study. Of which i haven't done so. Nonetheless, i pray that as i run along this journey to be a dr and even after, each day i meet patients, i'd be a blessing to yhem and to their loved ones. It's alot to do, but with God's strength and help, i will not fail! :))

Remember always to lean on the Lord for he'll never forsake you. BeN'Z

Chewing gum + Helium gas = flight?

This is really insane. I would Love to give this a try :) hehe.


What happen if chewing gum added with helium gas www.riddler.tk

Thumbs up to Ian's link on Fb.

Jesus Loves You joke!

No no, we Christians don't think that way.
Just like Jesus, we love you too!!!

*or at least try to :P*
hehe. Just something funny I found online ;)

Bob Fits at GTPJ! This Friday 27/08!

If you didn't know, there's no cell this week. Instead, head on over to Church and catch
Bob Fits (boob tits: i joke)!

Here's a bit of the info:

Love Remains featuring Bob Fits
date:- 27 AUG 2010
time:- 8:30pm
venue:- GTPJ Maranatha Auditorium

Really, if you can make it,

And if you're going or not,
INVITE YOUR FRIENDS or their friends too!!!

For the facebook link & more info, click here.

3rd leg National Ranking Pool competition!

Finally it is here. My long awaited game. The Nationals are here and I managed to get myself a seat! :)

I'm in Group D. Don't know any players here, but I hope and pray I'll win! haha.

What's funny is... the SMS they sent me, had the right spelling of my name. The group thingy, didn't!

Written is Benedick Sdev. :S

like... dude... benedict sachdev tq very much.

The guy I'm challenging would be like...
Who's the dick!

Pray I win kkk!
It's 24th Aug, Tuesd, 8pm, Club 9 Subang Jaya.

Anyway, here's the group list.
To see all the groupings, click here.
For more info, visit cueclubz.

Destiny or God's will?

Humans fear most the deep sea.

No, not because of the high pressure.
Because the fear of what's underneath.

The fear of the unknown.
Hence, like what many say: Destiny/ God's will.

BeN'Z word:

If it's meant to happen, it's inevitable. Just do your best and God'll do the rest ;)

http://lifeofbenz.blogspot.com ~ where it only gets better

Love the way you lie

Been a really long time since I made a video. Well, here I am once again. This was really really random! Read the info on Youtube itself. But yeah.

Here's Myself playing and singing to

Love The Way You Lie - Rhianna feat Eminem - BeN'Z cover

Don't be harsh. I know I went off at times. Whaddya expect on the first attempt :P Just jamming it out. haha!

Dancing and Looking Gooooddd!

Dance just like music or even shopping? : They're all Interests that some are naturally gifted to do. It's amazing what those talented ones churn out on the drawing board right up to the stage of 10's of thousands.

really, wow.

Here's a few vids of dancers bringing out the flair and X-factor that even laymen like me would think is easy to do, but NOT! hahaha!

Twitch & Alex, Best Hip Hop ever - from So you think you can dance 2010

Dance Fail - from failblog.org hahaha!

Finally, here's me in the crew "Slide Out", trying to be like them. Spot me and comment if you know who am I in the dance! haha!

Btw, there was a solo competition after and I was awarded best dancer! Which is really retarded cause I don't dance, and my friend Arthur is a wayyyyy better dancer! hahaha!

Spinky's Pool Club Tournament!

[Long overdue, but. . .]

As i've said before, i regained my interest in pool very recently! The ideas of joining tournaments around and nationals are just exhilarating!

So here i played at the Spinky's Pool Club Tournament (Spank ME). hahaaaaa! The event is an 8-ball tournament where the grand prize of 1000 ringgit malaysia is awarded. Held at Spinky's pool club itself, myself, brother and friend aimed to take the title of champion!

After an entrance fee of RM50, we found out that every rack played is RM1.50. Hence, basically you're paying around 60 ringgit minimum by the end of group stages. (pretty gay I know) :P

Here's what happened on Friday 30th July, it was very interesting.

After waiting around 1 and a half hours before having my first game, I played the owner's brother (so i heard), and he said i was cheating because i use a snooker cue. With that I wasn't allowed to continue the tournament with my cue and had to use a pool cue. I was rather annoyed seeing World Players like my favorite: Steve Davis; uses a snooker cue in world class tournaments without arguments. Think rationally, in any event, using a snooker cue is more of a disadvantage than a pool cue!

Thank God, I won the match with a 2-0.

The next match I won 2-0 as well. With those two wins I had qualified through the group stages already. However, the organizer still made me play the 3rd player because it benefits him. As in, he gets money for every 2 racks remember?

This game i lost 2-0. It was very upsetting for me not because of the loss. It's because of what happened. The man I was playing had his wife and small little girl watching. After a few practice strokes i realized i could've easily taken him down. But i didn't want to you know... bully him in front of his family. So i let him win the first rack.

In the 2nd game i began to play a little seriously, and missed a shot. He then made a foul while bridging over another ball; moving another ball by accident with his cue. Guess what? He cheated and didn't give the foul; also the referee did not see it. Due to that, no foul and he finished the table. This made me really pissed because I gave him chance so as to not lose face in front of his family, on the other hand he cheated right in front of them. Grrr...

Ah well... I still made it through. The following day, Saturday 31st July, I lost to Alvin Chin 5-1. Yeah i know, a major trashing. I was happy because I finally found a real good opponent (Malaysian Snooker Player & owner of Sportsville). Although, I was disappointed because i lost 2 racks by me entering the white ball, 2 racks because the 8 ball got stuck, and only 1 rack he "sau kiu".

All in all, I guess I need to train up for nationals coming soon. But i still blame it on the cue problem. I'm currently in a dilemma which cue to use. Trying out with the pool cue for now. We'll see. Pray i play really well! :P

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