Dancing and Looking Gooooddd!

Dance just like music or even shopping? : They're all Interests that some are naturally gifted to do. It's amazing what those talented ones churn out on the drawing board right up to the stage of 10's of thousands.

really, wow.

Here's a few vids of dancers bringing out the flair and X-factor that even laymen like me would think is easy to do, but NOT! hahaha!

Twitch & Alex, Best Hip Hop ever - from So you think you can dance 2010

Dance Fail - from failblog.org hahaha!

Finally, here's me in the crew "Slide Out", trying to be like them. Spot me and comment if you know who am I in the dance! haha!

Btw, there was a solo competition after and I was awarded best dancer! Which is really retarded cause I don't dance, and my friend Arthur is a wayyyyy better dancer! hahaha!

3 Comment Here!:

Wow! Impressive ! Didn't think u cud dance but u were the most interesting one to watch.

lynn: yeah i know right?! haha. i can't dance. must thank those who choreographed for me. i'm just a puppet filling in.

bikesifoo: thank youu!

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