
Do u know the feeling that u feel like u deserve to have fun and just chill with ya buddies??? If u know good! U'll know how my day would b. If u don't..... I can't help u... Srry..... haha!!!!

Woke up in the morning and went for futsol. Brought my younger bro. along. Us guyz kicked balls for 2 hrs. Hmmnn.... that sounded wrong. At least i didn't say "banging".... HHAHAHA!!! Well, it was pretty fun. For me... Yet it was tiring. I realized i don't have much stamina. Hmmnn.... have to find a way to build it.

After futsol, headed home to change and eat. Not too long after that, i left for Daniel's house. It was Wai Ken, Samuel, Matthew, Daniel & Myslef. We were all just on the ps2 for hours. Honestly u ask me i find it pointless and mentally exhausting. Well,..... It's fun though when ur with friends. We played winning eleven, Need 4 speed & some golf game. That just sounds sooo boring, but it was actually fun. Unfortunately for me it wasn't too good. Matthew was my partner and screwed up sooo much!!! hahah... If ur readin this just suck it up. Suck up all the truth that u caused us to lose!!!!

Once we were done there, i was chased out by Daniel therefore i left for Matthew's place. Over here i was basically waitin for my mum. The better thing bout' bein at Matt's place is that he actually serves food & drinks unlikt Daniel. yes ..... DANIEL!!! haha... Well, can't say much. At least i was invited to his place. So thx!

I left Matt's place somewhere bout' 8. I went home and was shootin bad guyz. I mean it. Seriously!!! I got 2 guns frm Alvin. Thx dude!!! It's really gd.

Didn't play for too long. So i then stayed in my room after that. Just typin out my blogg and chattin. I then went to Andrew's room and fell asleep there. Sigh.... caused me not to fin. some stuff. Well, it was relaxin overall!!!

BeN'Z PeePz

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