Lack of updates...

To my dearest loyal and

faithful readers,

This letter (post) addresses my ever happening post-less days that have become more frequent over the past weeks.

I understand that there have been a few who stopped coming daily. But, I urge you to keep returning as a sign of support and in-exchange I shall try my very best to write to your likings!

My neglect to this site is due to the evil that strikes me without warning and subtly. The internet that never appears when necessary; only to laugh in my face as "connected" but "maybe you should check your internet". Oh the agony, you won't understand except if you are in my shoes.

This occurrence have become occasional to the pinnacle of which I just adjourn to sleep whenever the internet plays me as a fool! However, fear not I say! As I will continue to challenge anything that stands in my way; bringing you the scribbling of BeN'Z that may brighten your day.

Until my next post then, BeN'Z bade farewell.. .

2 Comment Here!:

don't know why but you sound so dramatic here.. haha, it must be the fonts.

nah it ain't the fonts it was on purpose! hehe.

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