Youtube - MJ Speechless rendition

This is a dedication to YouTube!

It was random, but it's heartfelt. And I believe it speaks of everyone of us.

And as mentioned on the Youtube link, here are the lyrics:
(disclaimer: this is a BeN'Z original tune of which copyrights belongs to BeN'Z)

Youtube, Youtube
That's where I always go
When I surf the web
You're always on my mind
You're my hompage and my shrine

When I'm with you, I'm lost for words
I don't know what to say
My head's spinning like a carousel
So silently I pray

Youtube, Youtube
Please don't go away
I've learnt so much
I've uploaded my stuff
You're like my memory cafe...

Youtube... I love you. o.. o.. o.

Hope you liked it!

To check out BeN'Z youtube channel and subscribe, click here.

2 Comment Here!:

its really nice.. i didn't realize that violin could sound that amzing.. :) great job!

ahahha,..i was a bad day earlier..
but... this vid.. made my day.. :) thanks man!! ow.. by the way, nice voice..

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