Shut UPP!!!

7:10pm I just have to post this because I can't take it anymore!!!
Having posted Christians boring?!... Hearing the song a few times was cool; but!!!

Seeing I'm trying to edit my blog layout, my page is reloaded multiple times every few minutes to see the changes.

This FRIGGIN thing autoloads and plays itself
and I keep hearing:-

"this the cover tune grab bag/back/black..."
blah blah blah.
I love what you guys did,

Shut UPP!!!

I basically rick rolled myself for the past one hour plus! GOSHNESS!
don't know what Rick Roll is? click here!
(the site does no harm but you have to click to exit lotsa times)

Pls& tq :)
ahhh... much better...
I LOVE JESUS nonetheless :P


2:02am Finally done with the few blog layout changes. Majority of the site revamp are on the right channel of the blog. Many headers were removed to speed up site loading. Also, new is the Twitter widget! I had just made myself a twitter account, so if you like my stuff, want to stalk me for some reason, follow me on twitter, or check the blog as this automatically updates!

Other than that, I'm catching up on work,

as well as having a load of studies to conquer for my upcoming exams next week as written on the side.

You guys know what to do :) PRAY!!! pls and tq! hehe. Have a great weekend!

Those of you in Malaysia,
enjoy your Ipad 2 and white Iphone 4!
available at machines.

The bird in your pants!

In Malaysia especially, modesty of a person is very important. Folks here maintain it according to their culture.

In general words for:-

are replaced with:-
kukubird (cuckoo-bird); in malay, 'burung'.

whites may refer to it as a boy/man's:-
brother John
(and here i am going.... what the ...
who is this brother John?
he must be quite a dick ain't he?!)

maybe in more crude terms we say zakar, lan jiao and etc. but that too is only for explanation sake.

I don't know what to think when I saw this guy on youtube. It's either he thinks he is funny, or he is having his "happy time" on camera. I have to say though, the action he's performing looks more suited for females. haha.

Anyway, i think it's very creative as he plays with himself in a very rhytmic approach if you listen carefully. Enjoy!

chokin the chicken

How has your week been? I have been out for sometime due to illness, but do comment on random thoughts :)

The sneezies

7:09pm Just when I thought I had the entire day to brush up on my knowledge. This had to happen:

Yeah, I'm having the

The evolution of it has been going on for 3 months or so. Initially with the cough that prevents me from sleeping, till the past week or two whereby phlegm is yellowish and today, i can't stop sneezing + i feel cold maybe coming down with a fever.

This illness has caused me to feel very lethargic for quite awhile now. Considering to visit the ENT specialist. But I rather not have any operations, minor or major ones. By the way, it is assumed i'm having moderate sinusitis of my maxillary sinuses.

lay men, sinus problem next to the nose.

In conclusion, if you're reading this, pray for me yeah :)
Much appreciated and God bless you! hehe.

excuse me :P

Baby talk. For REAL!

I'm in my 3rd day of pediatrics posting and they are so cute. hehe. One girl around 5 years old was so interested to talk to me calling me doctor and stuff. :)


though my thoughts on being a pediatrician is still uncertain.
Contemplating as we go along.

Having said that, after my obstetrics posting and in the current one, i realized that they are connected by the babies!

Aww... so adorable! (ahem)

Have a look at this video, and click on the link below it for some subtitles :)

Talking Twin Babies - PART 2 - OFFICIAL VIDEO

The same video by collegehumour, click here.

And don't be a bad parent or influence to these innocent creatures. You may find this cute, or OMG, but see this video below:

Baby's Favorite Word. (Explicit)

FAR OUT rights?!

Hope this baby talk made your day! Be good to children and be awesome parents!

Games games games

4:03am Just going to sleep after epic charades. Best line - water.

No really, you wouldn't expect that someone writes the word 'water'
to be acted in this game. Haha.

Other lines include:
... Sex me
... Big clitoris
... I want to sleep
... Darn you ben
... Haunted apartment
... Yogi and bubu
... I want somebody
... Sanitation personified
... Cheese crackers
... War and peace
... Anal sex

Basically it was rather interesting watching the solo acts :p

Play it sometime with your friends. I assure you some great fun acting and guessing!

- Posted using BlogPress from my SEXY iPad

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