Real LIve Autopsy! CSI!!!

In the medical field, death is not uncommon.

May it be murder, suicide, or even due to old age illnesses.

Here's a real autopsy that caught millions of views on Youtube, and is definitely worthwhile watching. Observe the technique and how thorough these health personnel check through this lady who was believed to have drug intoxication.


Doesn't this make you want to pick up medicine! I'll be waiting for this posting of mine! heh heh.

For more interesting cartoons as above, click here.

3 Comment Here!:

Haha funny comics! Get posted to A&E.. U'll hv to do post mortems . I cudnt handle the skull saw well :( ur biceps won't have a problem with that tho! gotta get past the stench first!

Nice entry friend..visit mine, latest entry for today ;D

yeah i know! the comics are sweet :) post mortems sound fun but sad at the same time. oh yeah? my biceps? hahahah! yes!!! the smell is insane!

thanks suhai. ;) i did.

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